ESCAR Europe 2023

18 December, 2023

What an exceptional experience at escar Europe 2023! As a co-organizer and chairman, Frank had the honor of guiding the proceedings, moderating both the opening and closing sessions. Nataša also made a significant contribution by presenting our joint paper titled “In-Vehicle Trust Assessment Framework.”

The conference garnered remarkable attention, boasting a record-breaking on-site attendance of over 280 participants, with an additional 50+ joining virtually. escar successfully brought together experts spanning the realms of automotive security research and industry from around the globe. The diverse range of topics covered included everything from Post-Quantum Crypto to Risk Assessment, Certification, and captivating presentations on artificial intelligence.

A heartfelt acknowledgment goes out to the dedicated teams from Ulm University, Huawei Technologies, and Denso Automotive for their collaborative efforts in making this conference a resounding success!