Results & Downloads

12 September, 2024

Paper published in Philosophy & Technology

Pluralism and the Design of Autonomous Vehicles

Authors: Adam Henschke, Chirag Arora

11 June, 2024

Paper published at MedComNet 2024

OScar: An ETSI-Compliant C-ITS Stack for Field-Testing with Embedded Hardware Devices

Authors: Marco Rapelli, Francesco Raviglione, Claudio Casetti

30 May, 2024

Newsletter Issue 02

Second issue

29 May, 2024

Paper published at IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2024

Maneuver Coordination Using V2I to Improve Traffic Efficiency at Intersections

Authors: Lorenzo Farina, Marco Rapelli, Barbara Mavı́ Masini, Claudio Casetti, Alessandro Bazzi

29 May, 2024

Paper published at IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2024

ETSI-Compliant Protection of Connected Vulnerable Road Users: Simulation and Field Trial

Authors: Marco Rapelli, Francesco Raviglione, Claudio Casetti

23 May, 2024

CONNECT Video Gallery

11 March, 2024

D5.2 “Distributed Processing, Fast Offloading and MEC-enabled Orchestrator”

D5.2 follows up the D5.1 contributions to deliver the first version of the CONNECT orchestrator and the mechanisms for secure data exchange. The here-in reported work cov- ers the task-offloading logic and the implementation details of the CONNECT orchestartor software. Lastly, the work is completed with the Blockchain architecture and data handling principles to facilitate the CONNECT accountable attestation and monitoring (when combined with the D5.1 claims).

11 March, 2024

D4.2 “Virtualization- and Edge-based Security and Trust Extensions”

Deliverable D4.2 documents the high-level design of the complete CON- NECT security architecture as developed by Workpackage WP4. Com- pared to D4.1 we refine and add users stories and designs for the Multi- Access Edge Cloud (MEC). We also add detailed cryptographic protocols that implement the trust assessment of the services of CONNECT. Fi- nally, we detail the concepts and interactions for secure migration and up- grade of TEE-protected workloads. This is the technical foundation for Se- cure Task Offloading. The key questions that this deliverable answers are “How can the Multi-access Edge Cloud (MEC) be architected to provide robust security and privacy guarantees?”, “How can cryptography help to remotely assess trust of services while maintaining sound privacy guar- antees?”, and “How can vehicle and edge collaborate while maintaining security?”

11 March, 2024

D3.2 “CONNECT Trust & Risk Assessment and CAD Twinning Framework (Initial Version)”

This deliverable builds upon D3.1 and describes major build- ing blocks for the standalone trust assessment framework (TAF), the federated TAF and the digital twin version TAF-DT. For the standalone TAF, a fine-grained architecture underlying our current prototype is provided, federated TAF and TAF-DT are described as high-level architectures.

29 February, 2024

D7.2 “Dissemination, Communication, Clustering and Exploitation activities”

This deliverable presents the CONNECT dissemination, communication, clustering, standardization, and exploitation activities up to M18. Furthermore, it contains information highlighting open-source contributions and workshop organization activities.

26 February, 2024

Paper published at VehicleSec 2024

WIP: A Trust Assessment Method for In-Vehicular Networks using Vehicle Risk Assessment

Authors: Artur Hermann, Natasa Trkulja, Anderson Ramon Ferraz de Lucena, Alexander Kiening, Ana Petrovska, Frank Kargl

14 February, 2024

Paper published at ESCAR Europe 2023

In-vehicle Trust Assessment Framework

Authors: N. Trkulja; A. Hermann; A. Petrovska; A. Kiening; A. Ramon Ferraz de Lucena, F. Kargl

5 February, 2024

Paper published in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security

Sphinx-in-the-Head: Group Signatures from Symmetric Primitives

Authors: Liqun Chen, Changyu Dong, Christopher J. P. Newton and Yalan Wang

14 December, 2023

D4.1 “Conceptual Architecture of Customizable TEE and Attestation Models Specifications”

Deliverable D4.1 documents the initial results of Workpackage 4. It speci- fies the core security architecture of CONNECT revolving around the use of HW-based trust anchors for supporting both the continuous trust as- sessment of the CCAM-wide continuum as well as the secure lifecylce management of all comprised devices. D4.1 refines the architecture (com- ponents and flows) presented in D2.1 and puts forth a deteiled description of all interactions and sequence of actions with the underlying Trusted Computing Base for providing node- and data-centric trustworthiness ev- idence. Furthermore, it documents user stories that specify desired fea- tures, and finally outlines the key hierarchy and formalized requirements. This overarching TEE architecture will guide the design of all security pro- tocols and cryptographic mechanisms to be documented in D4.2.

24 November, 2023

D5.1 “Distributed Processing and CCAM Trust Functions Offloading & Data Space Modelling”

D5.1 paves the way to the CONNECT orchestration im- plementation by first defining the task migration/offloading problem and then presenting a comprehensive analysis of the state-of-the-art. Derived insights suggest candidate ap- proaches for the CONNECT implementation. Furthermore, the document explores identity management and proposes verifiable and presentation claims to verify a CONNECT en- tity’s attributes or identity. The involved data model to hold the needed information is finally introduced.

31 August, 2023

D2.1 “Operational Landscape, Requirements and Reference Architecture – Initial Version”

Deliverable D2.1 defines the technical requirements of CONNECT, alongside the specification of the conceptual reference architecture, the functional components, and interfaces between them. It also provides an analysis and point of reference for CONNECT in relation to the use cases and reference scenarios including an analysis of the trust models, that need to be considered for capturing the security and privacy requirements of each of the target CCAM services, and the trusted computing anchors to be further investigated and deployed as part of all actors – both at the MEC and Edge. Its purpose is to define the parameters for the rest of the CONNECT project and provide the necessary input for the design and implementation of all security enablers and models towards the dynamic trust assessment of complex CCAM ecosystems.

31 August, 2023

D1.2 “Project Quality Plan”

This Project Quality Plan constitutes a set of project templates and explanations on the project management process, review process, quality checks and meeting organisation, which are communicated to all partners. It further includes the risk assessment plan and shows how potential risks are assessed and mitigated.

22 August, 2023

Newsletter Issue 01

Inaugural newsletter

1 August, 2023

Paper published in PQCrypto 2023

Hash-based Direct Anonymous Attestation

Authors: Chen L.; Dong C.; El Kassem N.; Newton C.J.P. and Wang Y.

17 July, 2023

Paper published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles

Edge-assisted ML-aided Uncertainty-aware Vehicle Collision Avoidance at Urban Intersections

Authors: Dinesh Cyril Selvaraj, Christian Vitale, Tania Panayiotou, Panayiotis Kolios, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Georgios Ellinas

10 July, 2023

D3.1 “Architectural Specification of CONNECT Trust Assessment Framework, Operation and Interaction”

Deliverable 3.1 presents initial work towards the Trust Asssessment Framework (TAF). It includes definition of core terminology for trust assessment, a state of the art analysis and requirements engineering which motivates our decision for a TAF based on Subjective Logic. Subsequently, an ap-proach to trust modeling is described including a methodol- ogy for deriving trust relationships and examples for such trust relationships and trust sources are given based on the four CONNECT use case. Finally, a high-level architecture of the TAF is presented and first considerations for the evaluation of the TAF are described.

10 July, 2023

Fact sheet

Authors: Chirag Arora, Adam Henschke

10 July, 2023

Paper published at AsiaCCS conference 2023

ZEKRA: Zero-Knowledge Control-Flow Attestation (pre-camera version Open Access)

Heini Bergsson Debes; Thanassis Giannetsos; Edlira Dushku; Ali Marandi

3 July, 2023

Paper published in IEEE Internet of Things Magazine

The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) — Security, Privacy, Trust, and Reputation Management for Connected Vehicles
Authors: A. Drobot, T. Zhang, M. L. Buonarosa, F. Kargl, S. Schwinke and B. Sikdar

23 June, 2023

Paper published in IEEE VTC Spring 2023

Securing Cooperative Intersection Management through Subjective Trust Networks
Authors: Frank Kargl, Nataša Trkulja, Artur Hermann, Florian Sommer, Anderson Ramon Ferraz de Lucena, Alexander Kiening, Sergej Japs

23 May, 2023

Paper published in Journal Vehicular Communication

S-LDM: Server Local Dynamic Map for 5G-based Centralized Enhanced Collective Perception

Authors: Carlos Mateo Risma Carletti, Francesco Raviglione, Claudio Casetti, Filippo Stoffella, Girma Mamuye Yilma, Filippo Visintainer

15 May, 2023

Paper published in IEEE VNC 2023

Comparative Evaluation of PKI and DAA-Based Architectures for V2X Communication Security
Authors: A. Angelogianni I. Krontiris, and T. Giannetsos

16 March, 2023

Fact sheet

Authors: Ana Petrovska, Natasa Trukulja, Artur Hermann, Frank Kargl

Click on images in the fact sheet for videos to start.

28 February, 2023

D7.1 “Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation incl. Communication”

This deliverable presents the CONNECT communication kit including the project’s visual identity as well as communication and dissemination material to be used within the project. Furthermore, a detailed standardization plan is documented constituting a guideline for the liaison and further dissemination of the CONNECT project to external target groups and related standardization working groups. A timeline of short- and long-term dissemination activities is presented.

11 January, 2023

Paper published in Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles

An ML-Aided Reinforcement Learning Approach for Challenging Vehicle Maneuvers
Authors: Dinesh Cyril Selvaraj, Shailesh Hegde, Nicola Amati, Francesco Deflorio and Carla Fabiana Chiasserini

21 November, 2022


The official leaflet of the horizonEU project “CONNECT” is available, containing project information, mission, vision and goals of the project.

7 October, 2022

CONNECT Announcement Letter

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