Two weeks ago, on 24th April 2024, the CONNECT project underwent its first review meeting, chaired by our Project Officer representing the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Our Project Coordinator, our Technical and our Scientific Leader were warmly welcomed at the premises of Intel (WP4 Leader) in the European quarter in Brussels, Belgium. The other consortium partners joined remotely. We presented the work of the first 18 months, provided insights into the CONNECT integrated framework and its technical components and showed demos of our three use cases: the IMA Application and Misbehaviour Detection by System X, the Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (C-ACC) Application by Denso, and the Slow Moving Traffic Detection by POLITO and CRF. Our demos proved that we are on a good way to reach our ambitious goal of creating a trust management framework for autonomous driving. We are looking forward to the second project half!
First Review Meeting in Brussels

8 May, 2024